Category: graphics

Pixel Art: Ghost Rider

pixel art "Ghost Rider" by Chris Sanyk 64x64px


  1. Flames, chains, black-on-black leather… a lot of difficult things to do well in detail. But I think the hinting that I do here works pretty well, albeit primitively. I think the skull is decent. I could do a higher resolution version of this, too, if I wanted, and make it look a little more menacing, maybe, but I don’t think I need the detail to get across who this is.

Pixel Art: Butt-Head

pixel art "Butt-Head" by Chris Sanyk 256x256px


  1. My first pixel art character in this series with a face. I went all the way down to 256×256 resolution to do the fine details on the face.
  2. I did not bother with the “AC/DC” on the shirt as that is still inessential, even though the detail level in the face makes it justifiable to go to that level of detail on the shirt.
  3. Even without the facial detail, I liked it enough, and could recognize it. I could have considered this “finished” even at 16x16px: pixel art "Butt-Head" by Chris Sanyk 16x16px (Zoom the page to check it out, huh huh.)

Here’s a second attempt, after I decided that the body was a little too chunky. Instead of going for chunky style, I’m following the detail level of the head to allow the arms and legs to be more in proportion:

pixel art "Butt-Head" by Chris Sanyk 256x256px

Pixel Art – Catwoman

pixel art "Catwoman" by Chris Sanyk 64x64px


  1. Another female form, this one I think I like a bit better than the first female attempt that I made with Invisible Woman. The body is a bit more properly proportioned and is curvy yet chunky-square-y at the same time.
  2. After wondering about it, I googled and found that Catwoman does not in fact have a tail as part of her costume. I should have checked this before, whoops. It seems *really* impractical for a cat burglar to have something long dangling behind them that could trip them up when they’re trying to be sneaky.