Ludum Dare 23 Rankings are in

Here’s how Bactarium ranked in the Ludum Dare 23 Compo:

Ranking/1072 Category Score (out of 5)
Coolness 56%
#204 Innovation 3.41
#259 Theme 3.34
#431 Mood 2.68
#511 Graphics 2.75
#520 Humor 2.07
#545 Fun 2.62
#562 Overall 2.76
#587 Audio 2.07

Not too bad for my first LD48 entry, though certainly much room for improvement. Considering how happy I was to have been able to complete the game within 48hrs, I’m pretty happy with how it was received. It definitely wasn’t a great game, but it’s not bad, and has potential.

I’ve been working on a rewrite in Game Maker Studio which I hope will address some of the shortcomings that I didn’t have time to address in the compo.

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