Tag: QOMP 2


Amid the prelaunch talk about the Atari 2600+, Atari also recently released a teaser for a new modern game, QOMP 2.

Was there a QOMP 1? Yes, there was!

I have to admit, I must have missed the original QOMP, which was released in 2021.

The trailer shows what looks like a story-driven pong-breakout/platformer mashup.

Looks decent.

If Atari’s strategy for their modern releases is to align with indies who are doing interesting things in the retro space, I’m here for it.

It’s too bad Atari didn’t have a slew of these lined up to launch as system exclusive 1st-party titles in 2017 when they were hyping the much-delayed, underwhelming AtariBox console. It would have been a much different story how that system was received.