Tag: AutoFullScreen

AutoFullScreen 1.1

After releasing my AutoFullScreen 1.0 extension for Game Maker, I noticed a minor bug with the way small rooms were being scaled up to fill the window.

When scaling up a small room, in 1.0 the scale factor is calculated by determining whether the room was taller or wider, and used whichever was the longer dimension along with the display’s corresponding dimension to calculate the scale ratio. This was close to correct, but not quite right.

In 1.1, the scale factor is calculated both ways, using the height and the width, and then use the smaller of the two room:display ratios rather than the larger of the two room dimensions. The difference is subtle, but the upshot of this is that if you try to scale up a 4:3 room on a 16:10 display using the 1.0 method, it fills the screen completely, distorting the dimensions of the room. In 1.1 the room does not get distorted, as intended.

I have fixed the bug and added a feature to the function to make the zoom function optional. If you prefer to have the room drawn at actual size, you now have that option.

The new version is up on Releases.

AutoFullScreen extension for Game Maker

I’ve now built a Game Maker Extension (.gex) version of my handy AutoFullScreen function. It is available for download on the Releases page.

The extension includes only AutoFullScreen, the version which I called AutoFullScreen2 in the .gmk that I initially released a few weeks ago. I’ll be releasing a separate .gex of the MiniMap functions eventually.

Note: To get the AutoFullScreen.gex to install into Game Maker, you must launch Game Maker using Run As Administrator.

AutoFullScreen and MiniMap scripts for Game Maker 8

I came up with some handy scripts for Game Maker 8 projects.

  • AutoFullScreen(Border_W,Border_H,objFollow):  This script automatically sets the game window to full screen mode, and sizes View0 to the pixel dimensions of the display. If the room is not as large as the display, the room is scaled up to fit the display, and will stretch to fill the display in both the horizontal and vertical dimension, which can result in distort the room if it has a different height:width ratio than the display.
  • AutoFullScreen2(Border_W,Border_H,objFollow):  This script automatically sets the game window to full screen mode, and sizes View0 to the pixel dimensions of the display. If the room is not as large as the display, the room is scaled up to fit the display, but does not get distorted by a different height:width ratio.
  • MiniMap(minimap_width,minimap_height,top,left): Sets up View1 as a minimap view of the room. Takes parameters which set the height and width size of the minimap in pixels, and whether the minimap appears in the top/bottom or left/right corner of the window.
  • MiniMap2(scale_factor,top,left):  Like MiniMap, but with a slightly different argument for sizing the minimap. Instead of sizing the height and width using absolute pixel dimensions, you provide a scaling value. The map will be sized to a proportion of the display size divided by the scale factor (e.g., a scale factor of 8 means you’ll get a minimap that is 1/8 the size of the main window.)

The .gmk file is pretty well documented, contains example rooms with reference implementations of the scripts, and can be downloaded from releases.