This one took a lot more time due to all the detail. Thing, the loveable orange rocky lug from The Fantastic Four is an iconic hero, and I thought it would be very challenging to get the look right in super low res. I must be getting better at this, because I didn’t hardly stumble at all, just worked my way through it, and got good results pretty easily.
- Started off with The Hulk as my base model, turned him orange.
- Found a suitable color to use for shading. I ended up going with two darker orange-brown colors.
- I don’t really know what The Thing wears, if they’re like boxing trunks or what, but the Fantastic Four blue is not hard to mistake for anything else.
- With the amount of detail needed to draw in the Thing’s rocky texture, it would have been possible to do facial features. I did not want to do that, because none of the other heroes have any facial features (except Spidey’s mask eyes.) I did just give a very weak impression of a nose and a jawline here. Because I’m doing shading elsewhere on Thing’s body, it forced me to do something for the jawline, or it wouldn’t have looked consistent.
- I kept the texture lines jaggy and short, and just kindof pieced them together. It really didn’t take too long, and I didn’t have to use Undo very much, which surprised me. In the torso, to keep it more solid, I didn’t connect the lines so much, and I drew them where they would also help define the anatomy and the major muscle groups. I liked the way that worked out. Once I had the internal shading lines drawn in, I went to the outside and added a few more orange pixels here and there, to give his outline a bumpier appearance.
- Overall, I’m extremely pleased with the effect I got, and it didn’t take me much time at all. Probably took longer to write this than it took me to draw it!