Space Invaders HTML5 updated

I’ve uploaded an update for the Space Invaders HTML5 demo. This version is almost complete.

Play Space Invaders HTML5


  • Game Over works properly
  • Game resets properly when level clear

Both issues were caused because Game Maker HTML5 games do not work with user-defined Triggers when a game is built as an HTML5 application. I worked around this by re-implementing the Trigger code in the Step event instead.

New features:

  • Invader count is correct: 55 per screen.
  • Motherships.
  • Aliens speed up when their numbers are reduced. (This is proven in concept, I haven’t added all the speed ups yet. Aliens are still moving smoothly rather than marching in discrete steps.)
  • High Score screen now displays scores.

Still working on the High Score screen. It is not working correctly; the list only stores the top 1 score, not the top 10. It’s also not as pretty as it could be.

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