After several weeks of effort, I have finally nailed an effective set of 2D targeting scripts for AI in Game Maker 8.
The story for this is worth telling sometime, but for now I’ll just be posting a video demo:
Source .gmk is available on Releases.
I’ll be refactoring this into a Game Maker Extension (.gex) soon as well, which will also be available along with full source.
Very cool, especially with 5 hunters :) Nice job! Do you have an easy way to dial down the skill on the AI? So make them less quick to decide, more indecisive, etc?
Not yet; it’s unerring at the moment, and unrelenting. This targeting behavior is just one small aspect of the overall AI that I am working on. I have a long way to go before it’s complete. What you’re seeing in the video is just identifying the closest target and then homing in on it..
Chris Sanyk