Tag: Game programming

Math every game developer should know

[Editor’s note: For now this is kindof a stub article.

I’m brain dumping a list of math that I use all the time (or would like to) in making video games.

For now, it’s just a list of areas of math that come in really handy, again and again, with many games. I won’t try to put lessons into this article; this is just a list of topics to check into.

I’d love to grow this list! Leave a comment, or contact me with suggestions for more math to add.

Over time, I’ll probably flesh this out with a list of gamedev-specific uses for each type of math.]

  1. linear algebra

  2. trigonometry

  3. stochastic functions (randomness)

  4. probability

  5. permutation

  6. matrix algebra

  7. fibonacci

  8. statistics

  9. binary and bitwise math