Last month, a youtube channel I follow called The No-Swear Gamer had a contest to win a knitted Space Invaders hat made by SETXNerdery. I went over to NSG’s facebook page, entered the contest, and to my surprise, I won!
The hat arrived in my mail on Friday, and I have to say, I really like it. Even if I don’t especially like winter.
The acrylic yarn is soft and the hat is warm and fits on my head pretty well. SEXTNerdery has some other hat designs that are fun if you’re a retro gamer, so give them a look.
No Swear Gamer does a nice job of reviewing classic games for the Atari and other retro consoles, and provides a lot of detailed information, including some secret information like easter eggs. He has a good knowledge of his subject and doesn’t rely on stunts or gimmicks to attract viewers (aside from the occasional hat contest) — just solid information and opinion.