WhileTrueFork and TwoBitArt have teamed up to produce a game called Oregon Whale. It was released yesterday to much fanfare.
While I do not presently own any iOS devices with which to enjoy the game, I did have an opportunity to look at it during a recent encounter with Sam of WhileTrueFork fame. Gameplay is rather simple: you can choose to dive or jump over obstacles as your whale tries to reach Oregon before dying of an unfortunate malady such as tuberculosis or malaria or dysentery or ennui.
It’s the sort of game that people seem to enjoy on mobile devices, a nice causual distraction, with graphics and sound that are quite charming and well done. The music by Ian Faleer is just perfect.
It is currently available on iOS through the App Store for a mere $0.99, and the soundtrack is also available through Ian Faleer’s bandcamp site. A release on Android is planned.