Tag: reusable code

Tutorial: Building a Game Maker Extension

[Update 1/13/2014: See the official GameMaker documentation and this MSDN blog entry for how to build GM Extensions directly inside of GM:Studio. The GM Extension Builder tool that I explain how to use in this article will build GEX that can work with GM 7, 8, 8.1, and GM:Studio. As long as the GML used in the extension is compatible with the version of GameMaker that the extension is added to, the extension should work. ]

One of the nice things about Game Maker is that it is extensible. Developers can make their code more re-usable by converting their GML scripts to Game Maker Extensions. Once the .gml code is packaged in a .gex extension, you can import the extension into Game Maker and use the functions it provides in any project with ease. This means over time you can build up an entire library of re-usable functions that you can bring into your projects, saving you time and allowing you to focus on building new stuff instead of re-implementing the same basic things again and again. (more…)