Most video games have a counting, ranking, or level system of some sort. It’s often good to have a thematic flavor to your counting systems. This way, rather than calling your level progression by boring old regular numbers, you can give each level number a meaningful, or flavorful, name. This can add character or meaning to your game world, or it can be used to help disguise the underlying math, resulting in a game where the underlying mechanics are masked away from the player, leading to a more mysterious experience where they need to experiment and discover. What’s cooler: a “level 3 sword?” Or “the sword of autumn?” What’s more powerful: the knight sword or the rook sword?
To that end, I thought I’d demonstrate a few example enums that you can use to spice up your game design.
ENUMerate all the things!
Alphabet {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z}
Greek Alphabet {Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega}
Military Phonetic Alphabet {Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Xray, Yankee, Zulu}
Army (simplified) {Private, Specialist, Corporal, Sergeant, Officer, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel, General}
Navy (simplified) {Seaman, Petty Officer, Ensign, Lieutenant, Commander, Captain, Admiral}
Chess {Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, King}
Rainbow {Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet}
Elements {Earth, Air, Fire, Water}
CardRank {Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, Joker}
CardSuit {Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades}
Zodiac {Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn}
Seasons {Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter}
Months {January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December}
Weekdays {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday}
Lunar Cycle {New, WaxingCrescent, FirstQuarter, WaxingGibbous, Full, WaningGibbous, ThirdQuarter, WaningCresent}
Some of these may not necessarily have a natural order to them, but might just be a set of categories which you could use to organize something in your game. That something could be worlds, or items, or creature types, or powers, or anything else you can think of.
What else?
What else is there? Probably a whole lot! You could probably make a good basis for a game system out of gemstones, or metals, or barnyard animals, or anything, really!
If you know of a set of things that would make a good enum that I’ve left out, leave a comment below.
Using enums in GameMaker Studio
Enums are covered in the manual in the article on Data Types.
The basic syntax is as follows:
First, you have to declare the enum.
enum <variable>{<constant> [= <value>]}
You create the enum using the enum
keyword, naming the enum <variable>
. Then, in brackets, you list all the constants that make up the values in the enum. You can explicitly declare values for the enum constants, or you can leave them implied, in which case GameMaker will assign them integer values starting at 0, and increasing in order through the collection. You can even use expressions rather than a static value.
To access the enum constants, you use the syntax enum_variable.constant
In your code, there are all kinds of situations where using an enum is potentially useful. Here’s a few things to look for in your code that might signal a good opportunity to use an enum:
Conditionals for checking state
Consider the following ways of checking the state of some object:
//check state using string matching
if state == "state_idle" {//do state actions}
//check state using literal numbers
if state == 0 {//do idle actions}
//check state using variable
state_idle = 0;
if state == state_idle {//do state0 actions}
//check state using enums
if state == enum.value {//do state actions}
Out of these, using enums is the best approach. Why are enums better?
Conditional checking by string matching is much slower than number matching. Your string value provides semantic meaning to the reader, making the code easier to understand when a human reads it. But when the program goes to check the conditional, it has to check every letter in both strings to see if they match.
As well, this approach is fairly error prone. It’s very easy to type the strings in slightly wrong. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to type one string where the state is assigned, and another string value where you’re checking state in order to do something state-specific. If you don’t catch the error, you’ll have a hard to diagnose bug because the conditional check won’t match what you’ve set the state
variable to. One extra space, or misspelled word, or inconsistent use of capital letters, and the string match check will fail. The compiler won’t help you catch this sort of bug.
It’s a lot faster to do conditional checking via numbers. But naming your states with literal numbers: 0, 1, 2, etc. provides no meaning. Is 0 the idle state? is 1 running? is 2 jumping? Keeping track of this stuff in your head makes your work as a programmer harder, and makes the code hard to read, and brittle. You can do slightly better by creating a named variable and assigning the number value to it. The named variable can be expressive, e.g. state_idle = 0, state_running = 1, etc. But variables values can change, and storing each value takes a little bit of memory. By contrast, an enum value is constant — it cannot be changed once it is declared. And enums are global, so they are only declared and set in memory once, and thus require fewer resources. Even if you have ten thousand instances that use your enum, the memory used by them is the same as if there is only once instance.
Create an enum that provides expressive labels on these values, and you have the best of both worlds: expressive code that checks conditions fast, and uses computer resources efficiently.
Iteration over a set
Conventionally, programmers often rely on conventional looping variable names such as i or j to iterate over a collection of things, such as the members of an array, or other data structure. While this is OK, you can make your code more expressive by using enums to denote important numbers.
For example, it’s common for programmers to use a nested for loop iterating over the variables i and j to create a grid structure. Instead of using i and j, we can use variables named row and column instead. As we iterate over the range of rows and columns, we can use enums as flags to do something special at row (or column) == enum.constant.
Another example:
Say we want to implement an inventory equipping system for the player. The character has inventory slots for head, body, gloves, right hand, left hand, shoes. We decide to create an array, called inventory[], and assign the equipped item in each slot.
We could simply index the array with numbers:
inventory[0] = hat;
inventory[1] = armored_breastplate;
inventory[2] = iron_gauntlets;
inventory[3] = sword;
inventory[4] = empty;
inventory[5] = double_jump_boots;
Now, it’s not too hard to tell what each inventory slot is for. But it’s not as easy as it could be, either. Is the sword in the left hand or the right hand?
Let’s use an enum, and make the code easier understand.
enum inv_slots{head, body, gloves, right_hand, left_hand, shoes};
inventory[inv_slots.head] = hat;
inventory[inv_slots.body] = armored_breastplate;
inventory[inv_slots.gloves] = iron_gauntlets;
inventory[inv_slots.right_hand] = sword;
inventory[inv_slots.left_hand] = empty;
inventory[] = double_jump_boots;
Now, it’s quite easy to see that the double_jump_boots are being worn on the player’s feet, rather than being carried in the player’s hands. It’s simple to keep track of which slot is which.
Creating a set of related, named values
Here’s a useful enum for direction angles for a top-down game:
enum compass {e = 0, ne = 45, n = 90, nw = 135, w = 180, sw = 225, s = 270, se = 315};
It’s much easier to remember and understand direction = compass.sw
instead of direction = 225
. You can use this enum for 4-direction and 8-direction movement or aiming, and you could even expand upon it if you wanted by adding constants for ene, nne, nnw, wnw, wsw, ssw, sse, and ese, like so:
enum compass {
e = 0,
ene = 22.5,
ne = 45,
nne = 67.5,
n = 90,
nnw = 112.5
nw = 135,
wnw = 157.5
w = 180,
wsw = 202.5
sw = 225,
ssw = 252.5
s = 270,
sse = 292.5
se = 315,
ese = 337.5
(I like to format my code like this; lining up the variable names, equals signs, and values makes it easy to scan down the file, and makes it clear that these values are all related.)
If I wanted, I could go a step further and use radians to make it clearer that these values are fractions of a circle:
enum compass {
e = 0,
ene = radtodeg(pi * 0.125),
ne = radtodeg(pi * 0.25),
nne = radtodeg(pi * 0.375),
n = radtodeg(pi * 0.5),
nnw = radtodeg(pi * 0.625),
nw = radtodeg(pi * 0.75),
wnw = radtodeg(pi * 0.875),
w = radtodeg(pi),
wsw = radtodeg(pi * 1.125),
sw = radtodeg(pi * 1.25),
ssw = radtodeg(pi * 1.375),
s = radtodeg(pi * 1.5),
sse = radtodeg(pi * 1.625,
se = radtodeg(pi * 1.75),
ese = radtodeg(pi * 1.875)
You can group together, and name other values that go together in a system using enums in this way, too.
Parting thoughts
Hopefully, these examples will help you see how enums can be useful to make your code more expressive, easier to read, and easier to maintain. Look for opportunities to use them in your code. They can really help!